Sunday, March 4, 2012

This is what dreams are made of

I need to just be straight forward with you. I buy bread mixes and pancake mixes from time to time. There. I said it. I don't always make everything from scratch. You must understand, though, that the mixes I buy are amazing. (Bob's Red Mill GF Homemade Wonderful Bread/GF Pancake Mix) I used both of these this weekend (hides face).
Yesterday morning Scott prepared some gluten free crepes with cherry preserves for breakfast. It's always interesting when he makes these for breakfast. I get scolded if I walk away from the kitchen. I have been instructed on more than one occasion that I am not to wait until all of the crepes are done and then sit down to eat. I must consume each as soon as it hits the plate. I appreciate Scott for looking out for my taste buds like that. They really do taste best right off the griddle. (I bought him this fancy French crepe maker last year so we could pretend every once in awhile that we are back in Paris. I might mention that we didn't have a single crepe while over there! We ate wonderful food every day and night but crepes didn't make it onto any of the menus. We're making up for it now.)
Wonderful start to a perfect weekend, yes?
Lunch consisted of my daily shake. Because I care about not only me and my health but also you and yours, I might as well share the shake recipe.

1 banana (frozen is best)
4 ice cubes
1 huge handful spinach
1 cup yogurt
1 TB chia seeds
1 TB ground flax seeds
1 scoop Amazing Meal (original)
1 TB almond butter
1/2 apple or pear (optional)

Blend together. Drink. Don't worry. Be happy. (yes, I'm humming along to that song in my head now)
I don't have a picture but just imagine a glass full of this. It really is the prettiest color green. Don't you just feel better about what you're putting in your body when the color stands out so? Yellow tomatoes, purple potatoes, rainbow chard...

And then there was dinner. Have any of you eaten at Native Foods? So good. I finally got the cookbook last year. I made one or two of the recipes and then put it away. You would slap me in the face right now if you've ever eaten any of the dishes from the restaurant or book. Don't worry. We've been using the book much more frequently as of late. Last night we had caesar salad with some grilled tempeh.
I'm not at liberty to give you the recipe for the dressing. Come over for a visit and I'll just make it for you instead. If you're trying to make some blackened tempeh to go on top, I suggest making a mixture of as many spices as you have on hand. (Mace, chili powder, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, salt, black pepper, etc.) Boil the tempeh then marinate it in a mixture of water, braggs, crushed garlic, minced ginger. Cover both sides in the spice mixture you have come up with, and then put it in a really hot skillet (preferably cast iron) and wait for it to blacken on both sides. This tastes incredible on top of any kind of salad. What else did we even do yesterday aside from cook? Cleaned out the dehydrator (oh wait, that's food related too), cleaned up the house (there you go), went to the park, watched a ton of Frasier, and slept like a baby.
Today? Today we had oatmeal for breakfast. (Scott always looks so dejected when that's all I can come up with in the morning. We didn't have a lot to work with though!) It's not that Scott doesn't like it, it's just what we make for breakfast every day during the work week. (rolled oats, dates, berries, cinnamon, water, yum) I then scrubbed the walls in the kitchen while Scott changed the oil in our cars. We cleaned the bathroom, went to the warehouse so Scott could skate, and came home to eat a late but TOTALLY AWESOME DINNER. I've copied the recipe down for a few people (*cough* Mom *cough* Kaycee *cough*) and hope to God they made it. It's the Revolutionary Spanish Omelet with Saffron and Roasted Red Pepper-Almond Sauce from Isa Chandra Moskowitz's Vegan With A Vengeance. That was a mouth full. Wait. Can something be a mouthful when you don't actually say it out loud? That was a brainful. Anyway, this is the dinner I dream about. You know how you can have that certain man or woman of your dreams?... well this is the food version. I am obsessed. Can one be obsessed with a menu item? The answer is yes. I should warn you. If you were to ever decide to purchase Isa's book and try this recipe, proceed with caution. You will be hooked.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sending me this recipe! I do have the book, but I have a really bad habit of buying every vegan cookbook that comes out and never making a thing from them. So I'm glad you pointed this one out. Can't wait to try it! Looks delicious!
